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One of the most frequently asked bodybuilding questions revolves around the best time to train, with many wondering if early weight training sessions are superior for muscle gains. In fact, numerous bodybuilders make a focused effort to wake up earlier so that they can complete their weight training workout, feeling that this is the best method for dramatic muscle building. Yet, is this truly the case? The answer is not as obvious as some may believe.

One of the most important bodybuilding concepts for achieving maximum muscle size increase is intensity, meaning that full effort must take place throughout every weight training set, and this method involves disciplined mental focus that will determine the type of overall muscle growth. In order for a weight training workout to provide a brutal level of focus and output, the bodybuilder must physically and mentally feel energized to engage in the given weight training workout, and this very factor must influence when a bodybuilder best plans a weight training workout for sustained muscle growth.

Many are wise in scheduling weight training workout sessions for the early morning hours, as they either experience their largest energy availability upon awakening, and feel inspired to engage in a weight training session at that time, or, due to hectic work and family obligations, cannot realistically schedule a weight training workout session at a time other than very early in the morning, prior to beginning numerous personal obligations, therefore forcing such an undertaking. But some who attempt to schedule early morning weight training sessions despite having the time to train in the afternoon or evening must consider their own emotional response to stress, and if they sense that early weight training allows them to put forth the same level of mental focus and physical effort as a later weight training workout session, then they are free to continue such a practice, but if a bodybuilder feels a surge in motivation during afternoon or evening hours, far beyond what is noted earlier in the day, then clearly, schedule allowing, the best time for that particular individual to engage in a weight training workout is in the later hours, when he or she is able to focus maximum physical and mental effort towards intense weight training.

One other variable that must be analyzed is whether a particular weight training time allows for improved consistency, as some who rely upon early morning weight training may find that on some days, due to fatigue, they sleep later, and begin skipping workout sessions due to a loss in motivation. The bodybuilder should then determine if moving the weight training workout later in the day is possible given potential scheduling conflicts, and if making such a change is realistic, then this will prove to be the best choice to help with consistency. Although weight training at various times each day is valid, and can prove effective if a bodybuilder is disciplined, most bodybuilders will find that performing their workout sessions at similar times each day increases the chance of long term consistency, as scheduling, a critical element in keeping humans on task, can force a bodybuilder into the gym regularly through habit, while to the contrary, regularly restructuring weight training workout times can easily encourage a bodybuilder to abandon workout sessions without feeling any sense of loss.

Francesco Castano authors MuscleNOW.com, a diet and weight training program teaching the exact techniques for muscle building without supplements or drugs. He also owns FatVanish.com, where you will find his natural fat loss diet program.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com


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