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Certainty: The Foundation of Life

Did you know that it is possible for you to live your dreams, to reach your furthest goals, and to acquire your most far-fetched desires by simply believing in yourself and your purpose?

Every religious sector and all spiritually motivated movements are based on one thing, the faith of their followers. Faith, certainty, and the sureness of who you are and what you stand for determines everything you do and all that you accomplish. Regardless of what a person says or the things they may talk about, what they truly believe inside themselves controls who they actually are. You can quote positive scriptures and talk of faith constantly but unless you truly believe these things, your talk is meaningless.

Faith is more than a positive attribute of character, faith is a state of being. Whatever it is you put your energy into, your heart, mind, and soul must completely believe it is a worthy cause or you will go nowhere. Faith and certainty are the states that give our lives meaning and purpose.

According to Christian D. Larson, most people have to strive for certainty in their lives. We have been told for so long that success is a difficult path and that we must toil endlessly to have what we want that it is often hard for us to change that deeply ingrained way of thinking. But when we alter our beliefs and make a conscience effort to realize that we are worthy of success, it is much easier to reach it.

If you believe in yourself and have faith in who you are, anything is possible. Shakespeare said, “Our doubts our traitors which make us lose the good we often might win.” Sometimes, we give up on ourselves before we even try a new challenge simply because we lack faith in our own abilities. When we eliminate those negative doubting thoughts from our lives, the possibilities and opportunities are infinite.

Understanding the operation and harmony of the universe is also an important part of leading a faithful life. The chapters covering quantum physics, the relationships of cause and effect, and time all give us further insight on the processes that make our universe what it is. Once you have a better understanding of what goes on, you will be more accepting of yourself and others.

Once certainty and faith have been integrated into your way of thinking, you will see an endless road of opportunities. With true faith and conviction, you can go anywhere.

©Sharon Eiffel. Sharon is a freelance writer who concentrates on the topics of spiritual growth, positive thinking, motivation and overall self-improvement. Visit www.ecanhappen.com for more inspirational reading.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com


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