I Need Motivation Theories

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What is belief? We often use the term lightly. You can say that you believe your plane won't crash, but the truth is that you have based that statement on logic and past experience. Thousands of planes fly everyday without crashing, so logic tells you that yours will as well. The kind of belief that I mean, the kind that can change your life, has no logical basis. On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright positioned his plane with its 12-horsepower engine on the side of a bluff in Kitty Hawk, NC, and had it pushed off the edge. Now that's belief!

Belief is a firm conviction that needs no logic or fact to support it. It allows you to see, hear, feel, and sense the reality of your expectations, even if no one else believes with you. Christopher Columbus wasn't swayed by the fact that everyone believed the earth was flat; he put his boat out to sea to prove otherwise, because the strength of his belief gave him confidence to visualize sailing around a very round world!

Belief is the basis for purposeful action that brings you whatever you desire. Spurred by dissatisfaction with the status quo, belief inspires you to imagine, pushes you to grow, and challenges you to act. What you believe determines what you will become.

The force of belief is available to you if you dare to develop it and use it.


· Fuels concentration - by focusing your thoughts, plans, and actions, you will block obstacles, get priorities in order, maintain enthusiasm, and do whatever is necessary to reach your goals.

· Activates the law of attraction - when you send out positive thoughts or beliefs, you attract positive situations, and are drawn to positive results

· Strengthens visualization - you can do, be, and have only what you visualize. When you ardently believe in something, you can visualize it coming to pass. Your thoughts either create or destroy, so if your mind is filled with negative ideas, then you must develop positive belief!

Visualization, through spaced repetition, is the quickest way to reprogram your mind, thus developing new attitudes based on your beliefs. Attitude is a habit of thought, and behavior is a reflection of attitude. So when you can believe something and visualize it, then you behaviors will inevitably change.

You have choices. You are dynamic. You are the shaper and molder of your own destiny. Spend some time each day alone to meditate and visualize the new life you want. After all, when you know what you want, you begin to draw it to yourself. The magic of believing comes when you can see the results of the goal you desire and can see the first step it takes to reach it. Then, you take responsibility for the actions it takes to achieve that goal and begin the journey. And there's joy in it!

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass. You were born with the potential to succeed, the seed of greatness. You can choose to believe it or ignore it and never know the exhilaration of becoming what you are capable of becoming. Believe, and the stars are yours!

Paul J. Meyer is the founder of Success Motivation Institute, Inc. and author of over 40 books. He believes not only in his own potential, but also in the limitless potential of everyone to achieve great things when they understand the power of positive belief. To learn more about There's Magic in Believing, visit www.pauljmeyer.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com


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