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Dieting and Quick Weight Loss

Developing tummy fat has a way of motivating people -- oftentimes our waistlines "develop" as we get older, much like our bodies grow and develop during puberty. However, unlike adolescent and teenage growth spurts, gaining unhealthy weight and even becoming obese are not requirements of getting older, though these trends certainly fit the current norms. When you're ready to take on the challenge of getting into better shape, and burning off excess fat, using quick weight loss diets may come to mind.

In these times, two questions oftentimes come to mind, "Do they work", and "are they safe?" -- these are the questions we seek to answer today.

Quick weight loss diets - do they work?

The short and long of this question is yes and no. Fast weight loss diets can work, but when you are dealing with quick weight loss, the "instant" results that you see are not conducive to long-term gains, or rather losses in this case, in the grand scheme of things. When you lose weight quickly, it is most often due to the loss of excess water in your system, not due to the burning of fat. So, if your weight loss diet helps you to lose weight very fast, there's a good chance that the results will be temporary, at least unless your diet program of choice has a way of combating the real problem -- the accumulation of body fat.

Quick weight loss diets - are the safe?

The answer to this question depends on how you're reaching your weight loss goals. If you're trying to lose five to seven pounds for an event coming up in a week or so, the dangers of irreparable harm to an otherwise healthy individual are not all that likely. To lose this kind of weight in a week, chances are you are going to be removing some of the water buildup in your system, not burning off fat. To lose five pounds this quickly through fat loss, as opposed to water weight loss, you would absolutely need to incorporate an extreme exercise routine into your daily regimen, unless you're a 6'3", 25 year old man weighing in at 400 pounds and want to take part in a starvation diet for six-to-seven days. And at this size and weight -- five pounds won't make a lot of difference, anyway.

To lose five pounds of fat in a week, while possible, a 200 pound man would have to play 20 hours of full-contact football, and a 135 pound woman would have to endure around 30 hours of vigorous bike riding or 10"-12" step aerobics while keeping your caloric intake pretty close to your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). To sum things up, though, quick weight loss diets, if they help you to take off excess water, may be safe for generally healthy individuals, but in terms of fast fat burning -- not only is it not safe, this option is not really feasible for individuals who currently maintain a less-than-active lifestyle.

While your excess tummy fat may have, in fact, given you the motivation you need to get started with a weight loss diet or program, just know that not all quick weight loss diets produce long-term results, and unless there is a clear and concise plan laid out on how you can continue to lose weight -- look into something else.

Quick Diet Loss explores the best weight loss diets online. For more online diet information, view our other website -- Fast Weight Lose Secrets.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com


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