I Need Motivation Theories

Find out about Motivation theories, motivational coaching,and be motivate to improve your life.

Where Did My Motivation Go?

Have you sometimes looked at your daily "to-do" list and then wondered how you could ever get it all done? Maybe you are having more and more workdays wasted because you just cant find the motivation to get anything done?

So many people have a really hard time finding motivation, especially if they have to do things that they don't actually enjoy doing. But there are ways to find motivation when its missing, put some away for a rainy day and get through that list like a rocket!

Getting (and Staying) Motivated

The problem with motivation is that you are either motivated or not; there is no real grey area here! Dont worry though, all hope is not lost, even if you feel like motivation is something that has been missing in your life for a long time.

A good place to start to get motivated is to find someone who has the motivational qualities you are looking for in yourself. It could be a family member, friend, colleague, or someone special in your life. As soon as you know who your person is, copy what they do and see if they will chat to you about why it looks so easy for them - you will probably get some great tips. When you talk to this person, tell him or her that you'd love to learn their motivation secrets. You will probably find that having this conversation with your role model will help to inspire you into action. We can all use some personal support, so step outside of your comfort zone for a minute and give this a whirl!

Take a mental vacation if you find that high amounts of stress are zapping you of your motivation. Go shopping for a couple of hours, read a book, go for a nature walk, or call a friend. Taking a break may seem like the wrong thing to do, but your motivation will likely come back when the pressure is gone.

Relaxation can also help you get moving, as strange as it may seem! Many people find that creativity and inspiration go out the window when they are stressed out or under immense pressure. This is also true if you are lacking sleep or are working long hours without a break.

When you are lacking motivation, a good way to find some is by simply cleaning up your backyard! This might involve cleaning your desk or taking some time to completely clear your mind of negative thoughts. Although a select few seem to thrive in total chaos, the rest of us need a clear mind and an uncluttered work space. Relax for a few hours, clean off your desk, and come back to whatever you were doing. Your motivation may be there, waiting for you!

Motivational affirmations are another great way to get motivated when you need it the most. A positive statement such as, "I am my own motivator," or, "I use my energy to live my life to the fullest" just might be the words that remind you of your own inner inspriation.

Affirmations will reprogram your mind in a positive way. Saying them aloud to yourself will help you find motivation in times of self-doubt or procrastination. Realize when you are simply un-motivated and strike while the iron is hot! If you get onto it straight away, you wont have time to let this normally temporary issue really set in. Give these suggestions a really good goings over and make sure you give them a real and honest try. You WILL find your lost motivation and you just might be surprised by the results!

Article Source : www.articlesbase.com


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