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The Most Important Discipline of Employee Motivation

Employee motivation can be an easy task especially when the team leader demonstrates the appropriate disciplines. The simple disciplines encourage employee motivation to happen naturally. The wonders of "monkey see, monkey do" approach.

Motivation, whether it is self motivation or employee motivation, is the trigger to act. The factors involved to personally motivate and to inspire are not necessarily the factors that motivate all individuals or that lead to overall employee motivation.

No one can conjure up the means to motivate you, only you can discover the best methods in which to motivate yourself. Employee motivation comes from within the individual.

A good and well equipped team leader will demonstrate the appropriate behaviours and create an environment that accentuates employee motivation.

There are two types of self or employee motivation: External and Internal

External employee motivation comes from awards, bonuses, titles, promotions, money, etc. These are motivators commonly referred to as the hygiene factors. Unfortunately these external motivators do not last and are not a good source for employee motivation.

Let's pretend we are a team and we had a great year. We decide to give everyone a $5,000 bonus. Everyone is happy and employee motivation is at an all time high.

A year goes by and the organization did not have such a great year and may be considering laying off some team members. Compared to the previous year, what will the employees expect in terms of a bonus and how will this impact employee motivation?

Certainly disappointment is eminent and employee motivation will flounder. In order to maintain the current employee motivation, the organization would be expected to offer the same bonus as or higher than the previous year.

This is not possible and decreases employee motivation. I draw your attention to the old donkey and carrot story. External employee motivation is never lasting.

Team leaders should focus on the alternative, internal employee motivation. Employee motivation, like success, grows from the inside out and not from the external to the internal.

In order to understand internal employee motivation you need to understand yourself and trust your abilities to carry you forward. This is a key factor in building employee motivation.

What do you want to be, to do or to have in life? Combine your dreams with passion and you will be self motivated. A solid foundation for employee motivation.

Internal or self motivators enable you to demonstrate all the appropriate behaviours. It is inevitable that a confident, hard-working team player, who recognizes the contributions of others and rewards them with acknowledgement, will pass on those behaviours. These positive behaviours will lead directly to employee motivation. As individuals, we reap what we sow.

As a team leader, if you are critical of yourself, you will be critical of others. This is not an acceptable contribution toward employee motivation. However, if you accept the abilities you bring to the table and recognize your achievements, you will be a good leader, a team player and allow your employees to do the job they were hired to do. Recognition for a job well done is strong employee motivation.

You may find it hard to believe but recognition is the most powerful employee motivation of all. Research has shown that there is a stronger need in society today for recognition than there is for sex and money. Now that says something about employee motivation.

Employee motivation is positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement builds our self-esteem. Our self-esteem is depicted by the manner in which we see ourselves. We can either focus internally through our personal beliefs or externally by following the beliefs of others.

Employee motivation starts from within. Lead as you would like to be led. Allow the employee to do the job they have been entrusted to do. Give the employee the recognition for a job well done. Build a strong foundation of challenge, inspiration and trust. Employee motivation is an investment in people and in the company's future.

Employee motivation equals better performance and a willingness to grow. The employee must earn the respect of others and trust their hard work will be acknowledged. These are the simple mechanics to building self-esteem and the key to success. Employee motivation is a giant step forward for any organization.

Let's take a look at other forms of employee motivation. Be complimentary. All individuals strive to do better, to work harder and to learn more if they are complimented in front of their piers on a job well done. This form of employee motivation will in turn be passed on to others.

Employee motivation is focusing on individual strengths. Assign the employee a task he/she performs best. Employee motivation will be realized with enthusiasm and productivity.

Education is of the utmost importance with respect to employee motivation. Education comes in the form of regular team discussions, workshops and seminars. Employee motivation will be increased by sharing the ideas and visions for the future with them. They are enlightened by others striving to get ahead and to make a difference. Employee motivation takes a step forward toward accepting change and setting new goals.

Employee motivation should be exciting. It should bring on enthusiasm and energy. Employee motivation spells success if the foundation consists of encouragement, acknowledgement and enthusiasm. Employee motivation begins with You.

Employee motivation through recognition is positive reinforcement. Imagine the possibilities. The end result is happy, motivated achievers and a business operating with positive enforcements. The internal employee motivation creates the first wave to success and the external employee motivation follows in its wake.

Article Source : www.articlesbase.com


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